"Welcome to Braziel" is the personal blog of Jenny Braziel.
This blog documents the exciting endeavors of Jenny and Ben Braziel and their dog Ruthie. Within this blog you will find helpful marriage tips, life balance advice, and personalized product recommendations.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Doing Life Together

Back in September I pulled up to my parking space for work at 7:55AM while talking to my mom on the phone.  I saw my new coworker drive up in her car for her first day.  At that moment, I noticed that her car had a fish on it and I said to my mom, "Oh hey! The new girl has a fish on her car! Maybe she will be a nice new Christian friend for me!"  

And so began my friendship with Adrian Kuna! Since then I've seen her cry over sad things, listened to her life stories, and watched her laugh til she cried.  Sometimes it is hard to figure out why God puts people in our life, but other times you can totally see and understand why.  It's clear that we were meant to be in each others lives.

Adrian is what I call my “desk mate” at work.  I have had two other desk mates here and they are wonderful as well.  Michelle and Kristi were great!  Back in my college and my single days, I had several roommates who are still near and dear to my heart.  Now that I’m a real live adult and I work in an office, I have desk mates.  It’s basically like a roommate, because I do life with these people.  It’s hard not to do life with someone that sits 3 feet from you for 40 hours a week.  It happens naturally and I love it. 

Three weeks ago Adrian’s boyfriend, Logan asked Ben and I to be apart of his proposal to Adrian.  This was truly one of the greatest events I’ve ever had the privilege to be apart of.  We had recently decided to start a weekly Taco Tuesday get together to do a study called iMarriage.  Logan decided to propose during the first night which was a week from when he told us his secret.  I had to sit 3 feet from Adrian and not spill the beans for a whole week!! I was seriously freaking out.  It was so fun to watch her show me engagement rings that she liked all week and act intrigued by them all.  I was so sneaky! J

The night of the engagement went perfectly!! We are so glad something so special got to take place in our new house! Adrian and Logan have even asked Ben and I to be in their wedding. 

This is such a great example of how you really never know who could be your next friend!  Just six months ago I had just met Adrian and now I’m apart of her wedding. 

I would like to encourage everyone to adopt what I call the “canine philosophy of friendship”  A typical dogs meet a new person and it’s like instant friendship. Dogs are all like “Hi! Hi! Hi! Nice to meet you!! Wanna be my friend!? I want to be your friend!! Wanna go play?!” I believe this is what they are trying to convey with all the tail wagging and jumping up and down excitedly.  I tend to be that way, but for some it would have to be a concentrated effort.  My passion is customer service and I think having a welcoming personality is all part of that. 

When I was little my family would laugh at me when I would meet a new kid and just a few minutes after meeting, proudly declare that they were my new friend!! I just love doing life with people and I am so glad for all the people in my life who have accepted my friendship and let me into their lives!  It is truly a pleasure doing life with all of you.  

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